What moisturiser should you be using?

There is no denying that as winter sets in, skin feels as though it needs a little more. Cold, dry weather and indoor heating generate a real thirst in our…


The winners of the prestigious UK Global Makeup Awards have been announced! The UK is the largest region in the Global Makeup Awards, with over 350 entries. The beauty awards celebrate…

The new Probiotic Ampoule and Exclusion Mask

With the launch of the updated professional treatments comes the addition of two unique new products to the professional trolley for Esse therapists – the live Probiotic Ampoule and the…

Scandinavian Global Makeup Awards

The winners of the prestigious Scandinavian Global Makeup Awards 2020 have been announced! Esse Skincare received 3 Gold Awards and 2 Silver Awards.

How skin compares to an ecosystem

Any ecologist will tell you that a forest filled with a rich variety of plants is healthier than a commercial plantation containing only one species of tree. The complex ecosystem…

Green Chemistry meets Wild Science

“Green chemistry, also called sustainable chemistry, is an area of chemistry focused on the design of products and processes that minimize or eliminate the use and generation of hazardous substances.…

Esse and Plastic Neutral

We’ve partnered with Cleanhub to collect plastic waste in developing countries before it can reach the ocean. Every living thing depends on the ocean. Covering more than 70% of the…